Minimum Standards for hosting the annual tournament

Over the years SA Masters Waterpolo has grown from originally having two (2) age groups [under 40 and over 40] to now having four (4) [25+, 35+, 45+, 55+] for the 2014 event.


In addition, varying hosting standards and arrangements have been experienced by players – some good and some bad.


In order to set a common standard going forward for all provinces who host the annual event the following minimum standards need to be implemented:


Non-negotiable SA Masters requirements for hosting

  • Minimum of three (3) swimming pools
  • All teams to play at least ONE game on the last day – preferably excluding the final team placement game (at least one (1) pool game in the morning before play offs , and some play offs could be optional)
  • A goodie bag per player
  • Tournament shirt / clothing to be included in the player goodie bag
  • Meals for all players on first and second night. Last night – it will be up to the various teams to decide what / where / how they wish to spend it. Local organsiers should arrange for meals to be available for purchase.
  • Medals for all players in the main finals – gold & silver per age group.



  • Social evening to be arranged on the first night of Masters – meet and greet old friends
  • Meal provision on the last day


The reason provinces have requested two (2) years to host the event was so that they could approach organisations and obtain sponsorships for the event and a longer term exposure for the contributing organisations.




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